These geraniums are ready for spring, and so am I. It was warm and sunny out today, and we had lunch at the Blue Shirt Cafe in Davis Square. I had cheddar cheese with caramelized onions and Granny Smith apple slices on toasted sourdough. Apples seem like such a novel thing to have on a sandwich. I read this today and thought that I ought to try making fancier sandwiches for myself. I usually stick to PB&Js at home. A woman at Blue Shirt was telling her companion that she wanted to get a sandwich maker, and that suddenly seemed like a very good idea to me, too. I remember watching an infomercial for sandwich makers once when I was litle, and I thought they looked awesome, especially the way they cut the bread into triangles, like this.
For dinner, Stephen and I had a veggie approximation of my mom's corned beef hash. It wasn't quite the same (my mom definitely doesn't use SmartBacon), but still delish and very simple: diced onions, corned beef (or whatever) and boiled potatoes, fried in a little butter and milk, with salt and pepper on top. Can't go wrong with "fried in butter," can you.
It's Evacuation Day today, too, which is when Boston celebrates the British evacuation after the Revolutionary War. Stephen and all the school kids and government officials around here had the day off. I suspect that the popularity of this holiday stems in no small part from its convenient overlapping with St. Patrick's Day.
I read in the Boston Globe yesterday that the Franklin Park Zoo was admitting people named Seamus for free on Sunday, on account of the holiday and this little guy:
Seamus is a baby Baird's tapir, born on March 16, 2007. I first learned about tapirs when we visited the Harvard Museum of Natural History last spring, where they had a stuffed specimen in the Hall of Mammals. The plaque below said that tapirs are solitary, shy creatures who travel through the jungle with a characteristic shuffling gate, mostly alone, and usually at night. They have long snouts, and are somewhat related to horses and rhinos. Doesn't that sound like a creature straight out of mythology? Or maybe a Miyazaki film. We haven't seen Seamus in person yet, but I hope to this summer.