Look who we're hanging out with! Everyone is out and about for Spring Break, but Stephen and I are here working, which means we get to dog-sit. This is Cadi, short for Acadia, the sweetest border collie you ever did meet. Unfortunately, she is also an early riser who thinks Stephen and I and our over-sleeping are very lame. She may be right. I still haven't gotten onto Daylight Savings Time, so 10 am seems like a fine time to get up on the weekend.
I have accomplished one thing today, though - I finally finished my February book. It very much made me want to give up processed food forever. I'm shoving Doritos in my mouth as I type this, though, so there's some cognitive dissonance at work. But Michael Pollan did convince me to finally invest in a CSA share, so that's something.
For my March book (March/April, most likely), I'm going to read Tracy Kidder's Mountains Beyond Mountains. Sarah loaned it to me, and I think it fits well with the theme I've unwittingly established: a non-fiction book that everyone seems to have read except me. I'm starting to think that's an illusion, though; while I was carrying Omnivore's Dilemma around, at least half a dozen people remarked to me that they'd heard about it and meant to read it, but hadn't. Only one person I talked to read it, and he hadn't finished it at that point, either. So maybe what I'm reading is Famous Non-Fiction: The Great Unread.