First day of a long weekend. Ahh. I'm really getting into the new year, finally getting around to a lot of things that have been on my to-do list forever.
Last week, I went to the dentist. It's been a year and half since my last visit. But when you change dentists, there always seems to be a long wait. I scheduled this appointment back in October.
The new dentist, Dr. S, is way different from Dr. C, my old one in New York. Dr. C's office hasn't changed much since he opened it, probably about 30 years ago now. He's always had the same faux wood paneling in the same little cube of an office building, the same pictures of Disney World mascots on the walls. The same orangey fluorescent tubes in the lighting fixtures overhead. The teal exam chairs may be from the 90s.
Dr. S's office is in a big old red house, the kind of house you might want to raise your children in. I mean, someday. It's bright and sunny inside, and the magazines are new. The x-ray machine takes digital images! A little cord runs from your mouth to the computer, and when the machine beeps, you can turn to the right and see huge, ghostly images of your teeth pop right up on the screen. Revolutionary!
Also, I went to the RMV this week to trade in my old license. It wasn't much different from getting a license at the DMV in New York--same long lines, same forms (basically)--except that they take two pictures of you here and let you decide which to keep. Last time I had my photo taken in New York, the woman behind the counter laughed. Also, the Mass RMV has a feature on its website to tell you how long the line is at each of its branches. Isn't that nice? I think I like this new state.