It happened! It actually happened. Wow. I don't think I've ever had a snow day from work before. We got tons of snow last night. I slept very fitfully, fretting (in that distorted, half-aware way one does when drifting from sleep to wakefulness in the wee hours) that the snow wouldn't come, that I would awake to rain and letdown. I kept thinking, "Is it too early to check the closing alerts? Yes, too early," but my body stayed on semi-alert all night.
I'm so glad I don't have to go out there to work. We'll clear the car off later, but for now, my to-do list looks like this: sit on the couch, knit, watch TV, think about lunch. As a kid, I dreaded snow days a little because I hated shoveling the driveway. My dad thought it was good exercise for us, so he refused to buy a snowblower. I never found the right combination of clothes that would prevent me from getting soaked by either snow or sweat. Now, I'm grateful that someone is paid to clear the front steps for us. Means I can stay in my pajamas and drink hot ginger lemonade.