I used to think that working from home would be a really cool thing. I could get up late, hang out in my pajamas, make lunch in my own kitchen, or go to a coffee shop with my computer. But lately I've realized that it would be a terrible idea for me. First of all, there are the many, many distractions of home. No doubt I would sit down to get some work done, then remember the load of laundry that needed washing, then decide to check the mail, then put water on for tea, etc. It would be so hard to tune out the detritus of my non-work life.
Secondly, I just don't think I could focus enough without other people around. I've noticed that my productivity at the office is highest when lots of my co-workers are there. Their presence creates a buzz of focused energy that boosts my powers of concentration and efficiency. Without it, I'd become mopey and sluggish.
I wonder how work-at-homers do it? Here's what I would try to do if I were in that position:
1. Get a home office/studio--having a place to pick my work up and put it down would be essential. Unfortunately, my current apartment is less than 500 square feet, so carving out that kind of space would be difficult. (It would be nice to have my own studio someday, though.)
2. Amass a group of "co-workers"--I'd seek out other people who also worked at home to talk/hang out with when I was feeling isolated.
3. Set work hours. Otherwise I'd either work all of the time, or not at all, and feel guilty about it either way. Kind of like in college--unless it's spring/summer/winter break, your work is never done.
So, basically, I'd recreate the office environment in my own house. Hmmm. And I don't even really like wearing my pajamas all day. So this working from home thing--I don't think it's going to happen.
On another note, but in the same vein of work/home, Stephen--after working hard all year as a teacher--is on summer break, so he might be writing a guest entry someday soon. A little something to look forward to.