Where was I. Juggling. My mom gave me this book, Juggling for the Complete Klutz, for Easter (my request), and I've been working on it ever since. But I've never been good with sports (if one can call juggling a sport) in which things fly through the air. Baseball, volleyball, basketball--something about the three-dimensional movement in these games just didn't click for me. I've always liked hockey, though, and soccer, and even pool. I'm not going to the Olympics or anything, but they seem physically manageable to me. I've always wished I was better at things like catching and throwing.
So I thought that juggling might build my confidence, and it just seems like a cool skill to have handy, should you need to entertain children at a birthday party or something. But the thing is, even though this book claims to be written for the Complete Klutz, it still seems to assume a given level of coordination greater than my own. The second exercise--achieving a consistent hand-to-hand toss--is supposed to take a few minutes, but I've worked on it for hours, and still mess up.
But I'm not giving up. I have a vision of myself at the end of August, juggling bowling pins with my right hand while blogging with my left. And gardening with my feet. Did I mention that I started a garden?
But that's another story for another day.