That's not my garden in the picture. But we managed to find a plot in a community garden last week, and my boyfriend Stephen and I went out to plant yesterday. It's really late in the season, so we had to get everything started as quickly as possible. I've never been one to garden by the book, anyway. Not enough ambition, I guess. I just feel like working too hard at it takes all the fun out. And if nothing much comes of it? Well, it's not like we need the harvest to sustain us through the New England winter.
I call it the Garden of Oddities because the original plan was to plant only offbeat things, like romanesco broccoli, asparagus peas, yellow baby watermelon, and dinosaur gourds. But we stopped at the garden center on the way there and got some more mainstream things: strawberries, basil, tomatoes, mint, brussels sprouts. It was almost sunset when we started, so we threw things in the ground at top speed, sort of helter-skelter. Don't even remember where some of the seeds are. We may end up with sunflowers among the nasturtiums, but I'll be happy with whatever comes up.