I'm feeling under the weather again. (The weather, on the other hand, is feeling great. 60 degrees this afternoon!) I thought there was some kind of cosmic rule that you could only get sick once per winter. It's a rite of passage to have a miserable cold with a lingering cough in January, but after that clears up, you're supposed to be immune for another year. Right?
I'd hoped some banana muffins would perk me up, but it turns out I've got almost no appetite. The only things I crave are Advil Cold & Sinus and blueberry saft. Gimme those antioxidants!
I slept for almost twelve hours last night, then woke up at the ridiculous hour of 12:30, which turned out to be the even
more ridiculous hour of 1:30 with the time change. Considered going back to bed and sleeping away the rest of the half-gone day. It was really nice to see the extra daylight this evening, though. It feels like spring is here.
Let's have a look at what's happening on the windowsill, shall we?

The morning glories are starting to climb their yarn trellis, and one of the geraniums has put out buds. It's exciting to see things getting ready to bloom outside, too. We visited our friend's garden this afternoon and saw daffodil and tulip shoots coming up. I'm hoping to see the spring bulb show this month at the
Botanic Garden at Smith. I've only been there once, to see their fall chrysanthemum show a couple of years ago, and it was awesome. If I was a student there, I think I'd go sit in the greenhouse every day in the winter. Plant therapy.