Here I am on my way to vote on Tuesday afternoon. I was expecting a long line because it was around the block and down the street in the morning, but there were only a handful of people when I got there at 4:30. I was glad I had gotten up early that day so I had time to figure out a red, white and blue outfit. I felt restless and excited all day, like it was Christmas Eve--a nervous and hopeful Christmas Eve. Everyone at work was talking about the ballot questions in Massachusetts: Would people
really vote to abolish the state income tax? (Luckily, they did not.) Stephen and I stayed up late that night to see the results come in and watch the concession and victory speeches. When they called the election for Obama, of course I felt elated. But I also felt--and I wasn't expecting this--relieved. I felt like I could stop worrying about things. Not that there isn't still plenty to worry about, but I now feel that our national problems are in the hands of people smarter than me, and I don't dread the decisions they're going to make. It's a nice change.