Poor Stephen had to get stitches today. He's got the week off from school, and had been planning to get so many things done. Here's his desk in its usual state: covered with school supplies and a dozen projects-in-progress.
We were away for the long weekend, but he got right to work this morning on the rocking chair he's been making for me. Things were progressing well until, on the last cut, he caught the knuckle of his left index finger with the hand saw. (Sorry. I hope you weren't eating.) Bleeding profusely, he dashed around the house looking for Band-Aids and trying to find the phone number for the doctor's office. I got a call at work a little while later and talked to him on speakerphone while he applied direct pressure to the wound and waited for his appointment.
Dude ended up with six stitches, a tetanus shot, some antibiotics, and an ice cream sundae from Emack & Bolio's (ice cream speeds healing, don't you know). Unfortunately, he's probably not going to be doing any more home improvements until the bandages come off. So no shelves in the closet, and no rocking chair--at least not this week. But I'm just happy to have him safe and sound.