We had a wind storm here the other night. Morning, really--it started around 2:30 am on Saturday. I ran around closing all of the windows, but not before the rain got in. The living room floor was soaked. We sat and watched the trees jostle wildly outside. The screens on the windows rattled, and I worried that they might fall off. Then the street lights went out, followed a second later by the security lights on the building across the street. We didn't lose power, amazingly, but it was quite a sight. I fell asleep to the sound of police cars and fire trucks racing by, sirens blaring.
When I woke up later, though, there was little evidence that the storm had ever happened. It's been bright and sunny ever since. The storm seems to have shocked the honey locust outside our window into autumn mode--the leaves, so green only a week ago, are now bright yellow and starting to fall.